What’s a §1681m Notice and Why Should Carriers Care?
Legal disclaimer: The following information on specific laws and regulations does not constitute legal advice. As always, compliance with federal, state and local laws is ultimately your responsibility. We recommend that you consult with legal counsel to ensure your processes and procedures are fully compliant. What is a §1681m Notice? The Fair Credit Reporting Act […]
The Nine Traits of High-Performing Trucking Companies
The TCA Profitability Program’s Chris Henry knows a lot about what makes trucking companies great. He’s observed more than 100 North American companies, worked closely with members of the TCA’s Best Practice Groups, and spoken with people in a range of roles from Operations Manager to CEO. He has since distilled his findings from all […]
Walk the Walk with Ban the Box
Over two-thirds of the U.S. population, or over 226 million people, now live in a jurisdiction that has signed into law the ban-the-box policy. (National Employment Law Project). This number is only expected to rise, as more and more states, cities, and counties join in on the fair chance policy. What is ban-the-box? Simply explained, […]