3 Tips For Addressing Work-Life Balance For Drivers

One of the key components of many of Stay Metrics’ (acquired by Tenstreet) retention product offerings is the ability to see how you are doing compared to aggregated client data from our database, on a variety of survey questions asked of drivers. These “Community Ranks” are broken down into quintiles that divide carriers into five […]
5 Tips To Improve Truck Driver Retention

Truck driver retention is constantly on the minds of many trucking carrier executives. Outside factors like the economy, the current COVID pandemic and driver availability will impact the truck driver turnover rate and a carrier’s ability to retain drivers. Still, there are a number of factors within your control as well. While driver pay is […]
Are You Meeting Driver Expectations?

When you hire a promising new driver, it’s natural to have sky-high expectations: they’ll excel at the company immediately, they won’t cause issues, and they’ll be contributing to your business meaningfully for years to come. But rarely are the results so blue and cloudless. According to a recent study by Stay Metrics that followed newly […]
Uplift New Employees Through Rookie Driver Contests

As we’ve written about in the past, one of the best ways to save money on recruiting is by retaining your drivers longer. Good pay and benefits go a long way toward bringing talent in the door, but to keep your employees driving for you for months and years, they need to feel valued and […]
Awards: Get the Most Out of Your Tenstreet Investment

Do you ever feel like Tenstreet is a chamber of secrets? Maybe you’ve experienced the nagging feeling that there’s more to Tenstreet than you realize, or that you could be using a specific service more effectively? You have your dutiful account managers and advisors, you read our blogs, watch our webinars, and feel the login […]
Increased Retention Starts with Onboarding

When does a driver’s experience with a new employer begin? You might think it’s the day they walk through your door for orientation, but the reality is that once a driver has shown up at your office, they’ve already formed an opinion about how life will be with their new employer. Your onboarding process is […]
The Case of the Disgruntled Driver

We’re kicking off our Mystery series with stories of crimes against trucking. Read on to discover some of the biggest culprits in holding back your business and how to stop them in their tracks. It was a cold, clear morning when Bill got the call. A pair of trucks were sitting silently in the company […]
Retention: Where to Begin

If you’re like most companies, you probably know how important retention is… but have no idea how to start improving it. It’s expensive not to care about how long your drivers stick around, but if you don’t have an existing driver satisfaction framework in place, how can you shift your business toward a focus on […]
The Most Expensive Recruiting Mistake You Can Make

Recruiting a new driver requires a huge investment. It takes time to create job postings and onboard new drivers. It takes energy to screen candidates and collect verifications of past employment. It takes resources to conduct drug tests and build driver qualification files for each new hire. And every step of each process takes money, […]