Stay Metrics’ Driver Turnover & Retention Update: Q3 2021

How is your company faring when it comes to driver retention? Stay Metrics, now owned by Tenstreet, believes in sharing its retention knowledge to strengthen the industry and provides the Stay Days Table, which tracks carrier retention rates for newly hired drivers, and Turnover Report, each quarter. 2021 continues to offer challenges across industries and […]
Introducing FleetCheck: An Indicator of the Health of Your Fleet

In an industry currently struggling with finding and hiring drivers, it grows more and more painful seeing your drivers inexplicably leave — especially when you have a gnawing feeling it probably could have been prevented with a simple conversation. Not knowing what you don’t know is frustrating, but when viewed through the right lens it’s […]
Stay Metrics’ Driver Turnover & Retention Update: Q2 2021

Have you found yourself wondering if the trends you’re seeing in your driver retention data are similar to what other carriers have been experiencing? Stay Metrics, now owned by Tenstreet, believes in sharing its retention knowledge to strengthen the industry. Below is our Stay Days Table and Turnover Report, updated for Q2, 2021. 2020 and […]
Want more responses to your driver surveys? Offer rewards points!

To tackle driver retention, many carriers use feedback surveys to learn directly from drivers about their pain points with the company. The surveys, naturally, become more valuable as more individuals complete them, providing additional data to analyze. Sometimes though, sending another reminder to complete a survey just isn’t enough to convince a driver to take […]
Stay Metrics Data Shows Driver Retention Issues Differ For Women And Men

When recruiting new drivers or focusing on your current fleet, there is a need to understand at a macro level what results in driver satisfaction and commitment. Should you focus efforts on pay, routes, dispatcher relationships, or elsewhere? Are there certain demographics that you are especially interested in learning about? Understanding what drivers are satisfied […]
Introducing Insights: Helping You Improve Driver Engagement & Retention

You and your team dedicate enormous amounts of time and money to driver recruitment in advertising, onboarding, training, and hiring. When drivers then leave shortly after starting, it hurts not knowing the reason or what you could have done to prevent it. It also bruises your budget to start all over again in filling that […]
Stay Metrics’ Driver Turnover & Retention Update: Q1 2021

Stay Metrics, now a part of Tenstreet, is excited to provide additional insights into trends we are seeing through our data. Each quarter, we will share updated retention and turnover data, along with insights from our team of experts. This will be featured in two ways, through our Stay Days Table and our Driver Turnover […]
Intervention Platform Bolstered By Turnover Risk Identification Functionality

Stay Metrics (acquired by Tenstreet) recently updated its existing Interventions platform, providing carriers with more opportunities to head off driver turnover. Through its onboarding surveys, Stay Metrics has been providing clients with insights into which new drivers may be at risk of leaving. In the past, this has been done by identifying drivers based on […]
The Case For Driver Rewards Programs

Tenstreet has long been in the business of promoting rewards programs to carriers to increase retention and keep drivers happier. One of the most common questions we get is, “Why rewards?” Doesn’t it make more sense to just give drivers more cash? If your wages are already competitive, the answer is no. In an article […]
How to Fund a Rewards Program Without Increasing Your Budget

One of the most challenging aspects of setting up a rewards program at any carrier is funding it. Where does the money to invest in one of these programs come from? Let’s say you’ve read our case for a rewards program, and you’re convinced. How do you find the money to make it happen? The […]