Recruiting Automation and Apple Pie

When it comes to process improvement, automation gets a lot of attention, and for good reason. Automation can really help you take your business to the next level by keeping your processes consistent, organized, and timely, as well as by shouldering a lot of tedious work that would otherwise fall to your employees. But as […]
Recruiting Automation

Technology has come a long way in the recruiting business, and technology especially has improved immensely when it comes to interacting with computers. Long gone are the days of green screens and even the setup.exes of the past. Software is easier than ever to use, and even those with very little computer know-how can point, […]
Carrier Profile and Active Jobs in the Driver Pulse App

Drivers Can View Carrier Profiles & Active Jobs Starting on June 6, Pulse users will be able to view a carrier’s profile and all active jobs for that carrier. Until now, this information was only visible in limited ways. The company profile was only visible to Pulse Invite recipients discussed here. Active jobs were only […]
Deep Dive into Driver Pulse Features: Request and Upload Documents

At Tenstreet, our clients are one of the most valuable resources that we have for developing and improving the tools and services we provide. Taking the time to listen to feedback from our clients on all of our new products and asking “What other tools can we develop to help you run your business?” has […]
New Xpress Functionality

We’ve talked pretty often here about the importance of responding quickly to drivers when they apply, as well as the importance of moving those drivers through the hiring process as quickly and smoothly as possible in order to prevent them from stalling partway through recruitment. We hope you’re not tired of hearing that, because we […]
Driver Pulse Enhancements

One of our goals at Tenstreet is to continually improve our tools, and we’re always looking for new ways to make them more valuable for drivers and carriers alike. Recently we’ve been looking for ways to improve our Driver Pulse App, and we’re happy to announce we’re introducing two new pieces of functionality that we […]
Introduction to Xpress

A recruiter’s job is not easy, but it’s probably one of the most important jobs at your company. Moving applicants through the hiring process quickly is essential to keeping a carrier well-staffed with qualified drivers, and each candidate that your recruiters deal with represents a lot of time and advertising dollars that your business has […]
Introduction to Xchange

Managing Driver Verifications & Finding the Most Qualified Drivers Verifications might not make the world go ’round, but they do make your recruitment process move forward. When you’re running a trucking business, making sure that you’re hiring safe, qualified, and experienced drivers is priority number one. While verifications can be a time-consuming headache, they’re a […]
What Carriers Need to Know About the Xchange Network

While it’s true that thousands of carriers use Xchange each month, we know that not all carriers are currently taking advantage of our program. Because we know first-hand the difference Xchange can make in how a business operates and obtains driver verifications, we thought it might be a good idea to cover the basics to make […]
Tenstreet Index Part 2: Taking Action

Previously, we discussed some of the trends that we have been seeing here at Tenstreet across our platforms. We took a look at our unique data and crunched the numbers to produce some interesting charts and insights into the driver job market, and how drivers and carriers are navigating it. We looked at several different […]