2024’s Biggest Trucking Trends and Top Opportunities for 2025

As 2024 draws to a close, we’ve gathered as a company to study the data and interactions we’ve seen from thousands of carriers and millions of drivers and what they mean for our clients and the industry as a whole. To help you prepare for the coming year, check out our year in review, featuring […]
7 Grants for Trucking Companies That Can Help You Start Your Own Business

Trucking is a thriving industry that has managed to survive everything the world has thrown at it. Demand for the transportation of goods has never been higher, which was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses and individuals alike have increased their expectations, and truckers are responsible for meeting that demand. Without trucking companies, the nation […]
Driver Pulse: Your Untapped Well of Free Job Applications

Driver Pulse isn’t just a free app drivers love using to apply to jobs, manage their careers, communicate with carriers, complete trainings, store documents and work history, win sweepstakes, receive rewards, and more: it’s a network that has been growing more valuable for carriers every year it’s existed. The power of a network like Pulse […]
7 Reasons to Use the IntelliApp For Your Non-DOT Apps

Tenstreet has helped thousands of carriers to streamline their hiring of truck drivers with our groundbreaking application technology. The IntelliApp saves drivers’ data, helping cut application time for busy drivers from hours to minutes while offering carriers a range of features that let them identify their highest-quality applicants, follow up quickly, and complete other pre-hire […]
Tenstreet Q3 Market Index: Recruitment & Retention Rundown

Our roundup of industry data for Q3 indicates an especially strong rebound from the unpredictability of the pandemic years – as well as the usual seasonal signals that recruiting is headed for a holiday slowdown. Read on to learn more about what you should be prioritizing this quarter. To see enlarged versions of a chart, […]
Tenstreet Q2 Market Index: Recruitment & Retention Rundown

We’re always prepared for unexpected changes when it comes to the trucking industry – so many outside factors can affect how a carrier operates and what its finances look like. But Q2 of 2022 has been particularly unpredictable, presenting new challenges for companies trying to keep operations steady. Our roundup of industry data this quarter […]
Tenstreet Q1 Market Index: Recruitment & Retention Rundown

The transportation industry is always changing. While the pandemic appears to be waning in the U.S., new issues bring challenges to both carriers and drivers. Covid outbreaks in China, high gas prices, the war in Ukraine, and lack of equipment availability continue to introduce turbulence to trucking at large. Understanding what’s happening in the industry […]
5 Ways Smaller Fleets Can Recruit Drivers and Save Time & Money

As trucking fleets across the nation face a severe driver shortage, recruitment can be a full-time job in itself. But for many smaller fleets, overburdened owners don’t have an additional staff member to take on the time-consuming duties of finding and hiring drivers. Fleet owners often wear multiple hats, from recruitment to safety to operations […]
Tenstreet Market Index: Trucking Industry Turbulence Ahead

2021 has been an especially unpredictable year in an industry that already suffers from major uncertainty. The effects of COVID-19 on the economy and on the driver market are still being felt all across the nation, and carriers have their work cut out for them when it comes to keeping up with the need to […]
Tenstreet Market Index: Positive Driver Hiring Outlook

You may remember from our last dispatch on the driver market that conditions in the industry were looking challenging for carriers in the year since COVID-19 hit the U.S. While many carriers are still working to get their businesses back to where they once were, we’re pleased to report that we’ve seen several positive industry-wide […]