What’s a §1681m Notice and Why Should Carriers Care?

Legal disclaimer: The following information on specific laws and regulations does not constitute legal advice. As always, compliance with federal, state and local laws is ultimately your responsibility. We recommend that you consult with legal counsel to ensure your processes and procedures are fully compliant. What is a §1681m Notice? The Fair Credit Reporting Act […]
How Tenstreet Helps You Comply with Fair-Chance and Ban the Box Laws

Required Legal Disclaimer: The following information on specific laws and regulations is offered as educational information and does not constitute legal advice. We recommend that you consult with qualified legal counsel on all of the issues, laws, and regulations we refer to below. As you’re probably aware, fair-chance laws such as “Ban the Box” or California’s […]
Walk the Walk with Ban the Box

Over two-thirds of the U.S. population, or over 226 million people, now live in a jurisdiction that has signed into law the ban-the-box policy. (National Employment Law Project). This number is only expected to rise, as more and more states, cities, and counties join in on the fair chance policy. What is ban-the-box? Simply explained, […]
7 Ways to Stay D&A Compliant & the #1 Reason Carriers Are Cited

Most everybody agrees that random testing works to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce carrier liabilities. Yet every year, thousands of motor carriers are fined and penalized during FMCSA audits for failing to follow the rules in Title 49 CFR Part 382 (Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing). Why? There’s a lot of them, […]
The ELD Mandate: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
By now, you’re probably aware of the Congressional mandate regarding electronic logging devices, or ELDs. As stated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA, the ELD rule “is intended to help create a safer work environment for drivers, and make it easier and faster to accurately track, manage, and share records of duty […]
Visions of Adverse Action Danced in His Head

‘Twas the night before Christmas Eve, When all through the borough, Not a creature was stirring, Except for our CEO.. In our last post on Adverse Action, (during which his head was clearly devoid of any sugar-plums), Tim detailed the legal requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and explained Adverse Action in a […]
Background Reports Can Now Be Shared with Drivers

If you’re like most recruiters, having a conversation with a prospective driver about the results of their background reports is not your idea of a good time – especially when you think it contains something about which the driver may not be aware. Nobody wants to be the bearer of bad or unexpected news. To […]
Fair Credit Reporting Act: What You Need to Know

Carriers typically use a wide variety of background checks in screening drivers. Our clients use everything from MVR’s to the DAC employment history to criminal background checks and PSP’s. While these services are invaluable, motor carriers and other businesses need to develop procedures and processes to make certain that they are acquiring and making use of […]
Hire Better Drivers Using PSPs

Hiring Safe, Reliable Drivers In the trucking industry, hiring safe, reliable drivers is always a number one priority. Drivers with histories of crashes and incidents that take drivers out of service are not only costly for your business, but can put lives at risk. Gaining reliable information on your candidates’ crash and inspection records can […]