Blog Post 4 Keys to Better Landing Pages & More Driver Apps

4 Keys to Better Landing Pages & More Driver Apps

You invest a lot of time and money into driving traffic to your website. Landing pages are a key aspect to converting that web traffic into hired drivers. All of your online marketing should funnel down into a targeted and optimized landing page with a lead form conversion and eventually completed driver applications. But sadly, our research has shown that only 13% of drivers who submit a lead form ever complete a full application. However, landing pages built on the Tenstreet platform complete 475% more driver applications. Here are three tips for better landing pages and a fourth tip that explains the Tenstreet difference.

1. Establish A Clear Goal

What typically happens online is a surplus of tedious, albeit important, information is spread out throughout several pages in the hopes that someone will click around and read everything. But anyone who observes web behavior will tell you this doesn’t work.

And here’s why: Your visitors need landing pages that convey a clear goal in content and layout. When they land on your website to get information or possibly fill out an application, your landing pages should be prepared to deliver them exactly what they are looking for as quickly as possible. Do your landing pages have a clear goal? Are those goals in line with the marketing messages that deliver traffic to your site?

2. Less Is More

There’s nothing wrong with putting pertinent information on each page, but studies show that when a visitor lands on your page, too much content can overwhelm them. Instead of adding multiple messages, design the layout of each landing page to be easy on the eyes. Like a picture frame being hung on a wall, take several steps back from your computer and examine each landing page to see if it’s laid out well. Are the content sections spread out evenly? Is the goal you’ve assigned to each landing page expressed in not only the content, but the design of each page as well?

You’ve certainly seen by now the minimalistic and simple layouts of many of the most famous websites. This is done on purpose and caters to the average website visitor’s attention span. If you want to help web visitors get what they want, don’t overload each page with a bunch of stuff they don’t want. Remember, the simpler the process, the more you’ll see their processes completed.

3. Start with Mobile

Over 60% of web traffic takes place on mobile phones. Your landing pages shouldn’t just accommodate mobile visitors, they should be tailored to them! This is yet another reason your pages should be well designed to not overwhelm each visitor. A good rule of thumb is to build each landing page knowing each applicant, even those who’ll eventually see your site on their desktop or laptop, will most likely check your site out on their phone first. Uniformity between desktop and mobile versions of each landing page are necessary to not confuse your visitor and ensure your particular web experience is consistent.

4. Boost Your Results by 475%

We found that only 13% of drivers who submit a lead form end up completing a full application. Our pre-population tool only requires drivers to answer a few questions (such as name, SS#, e-mail, phone, address) to access their information from previous applications.  The result? What used to take hours now takes about 3 clicks. What was once a pitiful 13% completion rate is now an impressive 75%.

With 800+ enterprise clients, 2,700+ network providers, and 7,000,000+ IntelliApps, we’ve seen a 475% increase in completed driver applications. These results prove that the best thing you can do for your web visitors is to partner your landing pages with Tenstreet prepopulated IntelliApps.

Do yourself and your applicants a favor by giving your application process this added horsepower.

Ready to start seeing more driver applications? Take the first step and schedule a conversation with us today!

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