A Modern Guide to Driver Onboarding

Increased Efficiency + Better Experience Successful carriers are always considering how they can develop different aspects of their business to lower costs and improve recruiting and employee retention. Orientation is one of the areas where carriers can and should spend time thinking about improving the process. Orientation represents a significant investment on the part of […]

Driving Better Metrics with Tagging

Effectively tracking metrics can be one of the most important things that you do for the success of your business. It enables you pinpoint what your business is doing well and where it can improve. Unfortunately, tracking employee and candidate information can be a hassle for any business, and the more you grow, the more […]

Driver Pulse Profiles + Job Postings

Steady Improvement & Integrated System One of the mainstays of our business philosophy at Tenstreet is constantly striving to improve our services for our customers, whether that means making big innovative leaps or steady incremental changes to better our existing products and services. Another deeply held belief for us at Tenstreet, is that ‘loosely coupled’ […]

Boost Your Landing Page Results by 20%

Leads, as you and everyone in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross know, are the most important part of recruitment, and everyone needs them. Landing Page Results Drivers, however, are often understandably reluctant to fill out a full application while they’re still learning about your company, even when the application could largely be filled in for […]

Keys to Convert Job Board Leads into Hired Drivers

In order to fill their orientation classes and keep their trucks on the road, many carriers rely on job boards to deliver a steady stream of leads for drivers. However, building the best process to convert job board leads into new hires is a challenge. The unfortunate reality of the situation is that the leads […]

5 Key Driver Recruiting Metrics

Tenstreet works with a wide variety of trucking companies, big and small, from all over the country. One of the characteristics we’ve noticed that the best-run carriers always seem to share is their awareness of their metrics when it comes to recruiting. Effectively tracking recruiting metrics is a common thread connecting successful carriers regardless of […]

Essential Recruiting & Management Tools for Small Fleets

Small Fleets and the Driver Shortage The driver shortage has hit the smaller fleets the hardest. Because there are fewer drivers on the market, competition for candidates has become more intense and recruiting methods have become much more sophisticated as carriers struggle to attract drivers from the smaller candidate pool. Even though smaller fleets have […]

Driver Profiles for the Win

Sorting a Large Number of Applicants One of the most time-consuming challenges carriers face when recruiting new drivers is simply sorting through all the applications submitted each day. Having a large number of applicants is, of course, a good problem to have, but finding a way to quickly determine which applications are most promising can be […]

5 Steps to Make the Most of Driver Job Boards

The concept of having one platform that brings employers and job seekers together has been around for almost 25 years. Today, the driver job board continues to serve as a useful way for employers to find employees and for job seekers to find employment. Nearly one-fifth of all hiring takes place through driver job boards, second […]

Why Tenstreet for Your Mobile & Texting Strategy?

A Streamlined Process When it comes to finding qualified candidates, it’s important to stay on top of new technologies and texting is a recruitment strategy that’s on the rise with carriers across the country — about 60% of recruiters are already using texts to communicate with their candidates. When it comes to integrating new techniques […]