DOT Rules & Regulations: FMCSA Compliance for Truck Drivers

The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations are an integral set of government requirements that determine how truck drivers can operate in the United States. They provide a framework for enforcing safety standards on the road. Although staying ahead of DOT regulations and updates can be a challenge, it’s crucial not only to remain compliant to […]

The Case of the Stolen SSNs

Our Mystery Series continues with another crime against trucking. Read on to discover some of the biggest culprits in holding back your business and how to stop them cold. Jeanine’s stomach dropped when she walked into her office on Thursday morning and saw the drawer to her file cabinet slightly cracked. She knew she hadn’t […]

The Case of the Disgruntled Driver

We’re kicking off our Mystery series with stories of crimes against trucking. Read on to discover some of the biggest culprits in holding back your business and how to stop them in their tracks. It was a cold, clear morning when Bill got the call. A pair of trucks were sitting silently in the company […]

Retention: Where to Begin

If you’re like most companies, you probably know how important retention is… but have no idea how to start improving it. It’s expensive not to care about how long your drivers stick around, but if you don’t have an existing driver satisfaction framework in place, how can you shift your business toward a focus on […]

The Most Expensive Recruiting Mistake You Can Make

Recruiting a new driver requires a huge investment. It takes time to create job postings and onboard new drivers. It takes energy to screen candidates and collect verifications of past employment. It takes resources to conduct drug tests and build driver qualification files for each new hire. And every step of each process takes money, […]

Get Your Drivers to Orientation: Onboard Better

Finding quality drivers is a challenge for any recruiter—and after writing a compelling job post, figuring out where to put that post online, and maintaining your active posts, you’re probably ready to sit back and take a break once you’ve located the people you want driving for your company. But it isn’t enough to locate […]

Getting to Know the IntelliApp, Part 1: Under the Hood

You’re probably familiar with the basics of IntelliApp and what it can do for you. But how much do you know about how it’s working to make your recruiting process more efficient and effective? The IntelliApp, for all its obvious advantages – its ease of use, its mobile-first attitude, its DOT-compliance—is more nuanced and complex […]

Maintaining Your Driver Job Posts

You might think that writing a great job ad and knowing where to post it online are all you need to attract great drivers, but those steps are just the beginning. To see continued results from your job posts, you need to maintain them to ensure they’re kept up to date and performing effectively. Just […]

Where to Post Your Driver Jobs

With a little help from us, you’ve busted out your red pen and polished up your job posts to attract some great new drivers. But where are you supposed to put these compelling listings? There are dozens of websites, services, and job boards that promise to get you quality talent, but it’s difficult to know […]

Writing a Compelling Driver Job Post

In a time when job-seeking drivers have so many options, how can you help your company’s job postings stand out? Every carrier offers great benefits and sign-on bonuses, so it’s important to distinguish yourself in other ways to attract the attention of qualified new drivers. We’re here to answer that question. At Tenstreet, we believe […]