Tenstreet Partnership with Truckers Against Trafficking

Tenstreet offers free TAT training video to entire driver base through proprietary content training library and Driver Pulse app TAT is a 501(c)3 that exists to educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of the trucking, bus and energy industries to combat human trafficking. The partnership between Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) and Tenstreet is key in […]

Get to Know Carriers Before You Apply with Pulse Connect

Have you ever gone to the trouble of filling out an application, talking with a recruiter, submitting your driver documents, and completing onboarding procedures, only to find out along the way that you don’t think you’ll be happy at this new carrier? Maybe they don’t offer the benefits that are most important to you, or […]

What is a Chain of Custody Form?

Everyone in the transportation industry should be aware of the procedures mandated by its governing body, the Department of Transportation. One such system is the chain of custody form (commonly abbreviated to CCF) for drug test results for drivers. By issuing a federal forensic drug testing custody and control form, collected specimens can be carefully […]

CSA Compliance: What You Should Know

Car and transportation crashes are still one of the leading causes of death and permanent disability in the United States. In 2019 alone, there were over 37,000 car-related fatalities and 2.35 million injuries.  A significant percentage of these accidents involve large vehicles like trucks. That’s why the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) created the […]

Hire Drivers Faster By Sharpening Your Axe

Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I would spend three of those minutes sharpening my axe.” Like much great advice, it’s the kind of counter-intuitive directive that can give some of us – including busy recruiters – pause. If I’ve only got five minutes […]

7 Driver Hiring Don’ts You Should Avoid

When there’s a shortage of drivers and a bounty of empty seats to be filled, it’s natural that companies would always be looking for new ways to attract top talent away from competitors and into their own trucks. But it’s important that your business not take shortcuts in its recruiting; the wrong techniques can attract […]

Are You Meeting Driver Expectations?

When you hire a promising new driver, it’s natural to have sky-high expectations: they’ll excel at the company immediately, they won’t cause issues, and they’ll be contributing to your business meaningfully for years to come.  But rarely are the results so blue and cloudless. According to a recent study by Stay Metrics that followed newly […]

Top 10 Tenstreet Services You Didn’t Know You Had

The best thing about a long journey is not knowing exactly where it’ll take you. Even if you have a destination in mind, the most memorable moments of a trip are the delights you hadn’t expected to find, like the surprisingly delicious burgers at the roadside diner or the giant peanut statue on the side […]

Five New Tenstreet Features Bring Christmas to July

We love Christmas over at Tenstreet. We’re already focused every day on giving our clients the products and services that most benefit their businesses, so why not carry that spirit all through the year? It’s even easier to give when we receive suggestions on how to do better from our users themselves, which is what happens at the Roadmap […]

Tenstreet’s ITI Integration Is Like a Box of Chocolates…

…you always know what you’re gonna get. That’s how the quote goes, right? At any rate, our new partnership with Instructional Technologies, Inc., announced at our 2019 User Conference, is as delight-filled as your favorite box of indulgences. This integration will bring you tasty content inside your favorite container, the Tenstreet dashboard. Sample just a […]