Blog Post Small Fleet Owners Take the Weight Off, Work Fewer Hours

Small Fleet Owners Take the Weight Off, Work Fewer Hours

It’s a big challenge running a small trucking company, and this wasn’t a decision you made lightly. Every decision you make has the potential to bear incredible consequences, good or bad, and you know your ability to recruit good drivers can make or break you.

Tenstreet software for small fleets was designed specifically for the challenges and responsibilities that you as a small fleet owner face. Employing small fleet software where you lack the manpower gives you a chance to take a deep breath and turn your focus onto other areas of business – those that can’t be automated. With a lighter load, you can find your way back to working fewer hours, while at the same time managing a smoother fleet.

Daniel Lacroix of Regency Transportation said it straight, “Streamlined, simple tracking, and everything is in one location. For a one-man office like myself, it takes away a lot of the manual tasks.” It’s true, we provide you with a dashboard to easily flip through all your subject records and files, and give you a real-time homepage report you see immediately upon login. This interactive report allows you to see all your applications in once place, and lets you manage them directly from the interface. You can change an applicant’s status, email or text your applicant, and clear those who do not qualify. It will even send you a warning when applicants are going stale, so you can be sure to get in touch with them in a timely manner.

Throw your driver qualification file (DQF) worries out the window with a quick glance at your second homepage report – this one shows you which drivers have documents that are going to expire in the next 30 days, as well as those who have missing or expired documents.

small fleet owner dashboardThink you won’t have time to log in to see these reports every day? We know you’re on the go, so we’ve made these reports available from your front pocket as well – access them from any mobile device, for free.

Small Fleet Owners Toolbox – An Overview

Here’s a rundown of how our Small Fleet software gets you started:

  • IntelliApp – an online driver application with pre-population capabilities
  • Xpress – your web–based driver Rolodex and homepage report central
  • Xchange – makes employment verifications fast, easy, and automated
  • DQF – lets you manage compliance from the office or the road, and stores all driver documents in one place
  • Refer a Friend – driver referrals are your #1 way you find your drivers – this tool makes it easy, and streamlines them right into Xpress
  • Drip Marketing – sends timely emails to your prospective drivers – and your current drivers too – engaging them with personalized communications

driver_pulse_for_Small_FleetsAs your small fleet grows, you want to make sure you have the software in place to handle it. Even if you only decide to use a few of these tools at first, simply by starting with our driver-preferred IntelliApp gets you an increase of up to 4 times the number of completed applications, as drivers see a 75-80% reduction in the amount of time it takes to complete their application.

Additionally, out of all of the IntelliApps submitted in February 2017, 63% were completed on mobile devices. Your IntelliApp applications are mobile-friendly, keeping you on the cutting edge of this driver trend.

A Review from a Fleet of Two

John Harutyunyan, the small fleet owner of Lucky Life Logistics, says this about our small fleet toolbox, “Tenstreet Small Fleet Edition is helping me grow my business. The tools enable me to compete with much bigger fleets and bigger staffs.  Having everything in one place helps me respond quickly with the confidence that I’m staying compliant.”

How You Can Get Started Today

Give up some of those hats you’re wearing, and place them on the head of Tenstreet. We have a background deep in technology and trucking, and we’re always on the move providing innovative, simple solutions to the problems that carriers (of every size) face every day.

Simply contact [email protected] or call 877-219-9283 today, and we’ll work with your schedule to show you a quick demonstration of our Small Fleet software, designed with you in mind.

Quick questions? Leave them in the comments below, and we’ll get right back to you!

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